Thursday, October 2, 2008

Coming Out!

I am officially coming out... as a pregnant women.


I know shocking right.

Considering when I was 13 I have 1 + 1/4 of my other ovary removed.
At 28 I was thinking this is never going to happen.
Both of us thought it was the other one.
So, our little baby Lee is our "surprise, it's a miracle".
I truly believe nothing is in our timing or how or when we think we want it or not.


I realized that I was a week "late".
And despite all of my ovary issues I have always been right on time, like clockwork.
So, when I finally forced myself, with the help of Janine and Mat telling me I can not put this off any longer, I went to the CVS in Ocean City (we were on our annual Worley/Coop vaca), and I bought a test.

Back at the house Janine and I went into the bathroom, peed and no lie within 30 sec it was positive.

I was shocked
And Janine was jumping and screaming
Of course this was all happening at 12am.

So, I had to wait and call Joe in the am.

When I called him he was so overjoyed.

His day was made.
He has been wanting this for forever


I was on a roller coaster of emotions.
Life is going to change at a rapid rate.
I couldn't wait to go on vacation so it would be an uninterrupted surf session.
But I could not surf and so I was feeling annoyed and I wanted to be selfish
I had to give up coffee which ended up being way easier then I thought.
Then my emotions were excited and I couldn't wait to set up the room do all baby things.
Then back to being selfish at how I would have to give up this and that.
And wah, wooo is me.
Don't get me wrong I wanted to have a baby at some point.
Some days I wanted that day to be now and other in another year or so.
So you can understand why I had mix emotions.
There is no turning back.
It is exciting and scary all at the same time.

Vacation came to an end as did the summer time.
Back to reality.
But Joe surprised me by getting my initial tattooed to his ring finger.
Which made me cry.
He has been wonderful.
And hovering to make sure I am always okay.
I had to call the doctor and find out what my insurance covered.
I began to stress again with all the details, the money, the life change.
But Joe's excitement helped me to get more and more excited.


Physically I have not thrown up or been nauseous. However, my stomach just burns.
I am going to a nutritionist and she is wonderful and has made me feel better.
I feel bloated and my pants are starting to get tight.
My stomach area is getting thicker.
I am not really showing.
Just a little itty bitty bump.
But I can feel things changing.
Growing and moving around.
So many things happen inside of you.
The uterus gets bigger and pushes things up.
It really is an amazing thing.
How your body can shift and change to allow the baby to grow.

Joe came and giggled the whole time.
We chatted with the nurse practitioner.
She is sweet and i liked her a lot until she went down town.
I had to get a pap which is always sooo fun and not going to lie she was rough.
Then she checked my uterus to make sure I was prego.
I swear to you she use her whole hand then press so hard on my stomach and says,
"OH YEAH! You are definitely pregnant"
Um... okay thanks i guess.
Then Joe came back in and they used the Doppler (speaker, no picture) and we heard the heartbeat.
Joe was very very excited.
I was getting more excited now that I heard something.
They were not able to give me an ultrasound at the office.
So I have to go to St Luke's to get it done.

And I have to get a bunch of blood work too before my next appointment.

The next appointment is Oct 20th with the doctor this time.


April 12, 2009

Was today (10/2/08).
I went alone cause I had some drama getting it scheduled and it was last minute so Joe could not come.
I hate getting them done.
Of course they made me wait 1/2 hour.
I had not peed since 7:00 and it was 9:00 before they took me in.
Hello lady, I am pregnant and I have to pee 30 times in an hour!
In pain, lying on the table, she gave me a normal ultrasound.
Then after 30 minutes of that hell I was able to go potty.
When I came back she gave me an internal ultrasound.
I am right at the cut off mark to do an internal or normal one.
Although she was able to see what was going on she could see better with the internal.
So, I got to insert it (ew) and she moved it around, doing her thing.
And she keep laughing.
Finally she showed me what was going on.
The baby was all over the place kicking, jumping, flipping - moving all over.
And the baby was sucking it's thumb.
The heartbeat was 154 - which was fine.
I could see everything.
The spine, bladder, kidneys, brain, eyes, fingers, toes, face.

Did i mention i have a hyper kid.
are you shocked?
*I will be adding the pix later*

I'm feeling a lot more excited now.
Before I was stressing and worrying and wondering.
Feeling selfish then excited then nervous etc.
Hearing the heartbeat helped a lot but seeing the baby was amazing.
Before I just felt so under the weather that I was not thinking about the actually baby.
Joe has been so much better about being in tune.
And I am glad for that cause there are some men that are not into it at all.
He has completely bonded.
Seeing the baby makes it more real and exciting.
And I am feeling physically better now.
My feelings are happy and excited.

I am officially 12 weeks and 4 days today (10/2/08).


Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww! I just want to hug you right now! I'm so excited for you guys and I CAN'T WAIT to see the picture. =) You MUST update ALL the time!

Love you!!! (and Baby Lee)


Bekah said...

That's awesome! I'm so happy for you! God is good!

Kelley said...

A THUMBSUCKER, they are the BEST
babies!!! ask Domonique
Soooooooo HAPPY for you ALL

Sarah said...

Congratulations, April and Joe! I'm so happy for you!! Best wishes, you guys.

*~~*Inger*~~* said...

OMG!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I cannot wait to tell my mom, she's going to be sooooooo excited!! She's desperate for somebody she knows to have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deborah said...

congratulations april! wow! that was not what i was expecting that email to be.

Melissa said...

12 weeks along...holy crap!
I am so super psyched for both you and Joe. I bet your parents are over the moon.
I wish I was there to give you a great BIG hug and a smooch on the belly.
April is the due date...what a great month.
Words cannot describe how happy I am for you.
My husband won't be able to hear for a while due to the scream I let out after receiving the news.

katherine said...

this image is really distrubing. please change immediately.