O-MY-GOODNESS!I have NOT updated
I am extremely sorry to all who have be following!
So.. here is the run down!
Our flower is here... she has been here for 3 months now.
However I must back up and fill you in on everything before now.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who came.
It was wonderful to see you all and I am very sorry I did not get to spend as much time as I had hoped with each of you. My plan was to NOT get stuck (not a negative thing) opening gift but to spend time with everyone. Unfortunately, that did not happen.
Here are some highlights of the wonderful day! And NON of it was possible with out the following AMAZING ladies... Britty Hoff, Janine Worley, Mrs "Martha Stewart of Lansdale" Faline Gray and of course my amazing MOTHER! Also, I have to thank my bestest Julie Parzyck for making sure I had the "big" things that I needed. I am in debted to all these beautiful ladies!
The Amazing Food Spread
The Generous Gifts!
Me w/Heather (my brother gf), Me w/Faline & Ginna, and me w/Brit, Janine & Kath
All the prego ladies, Me w/Kristine (a girl Audrey) and w/Amanda (a boy Tristan)!
Here is my naked belly the night before I still can not belive she fit in there!
Bright and early April 7th we headed to the hospital. The IV was horrible and she made a mess. This was the 2nd try.
Joe was very excited.
I was very nervous.
After a long wait. They took me into the operation room. When I got in there I started to panic. And then cry. The nurses where awesome. I became very very overwhelmed. One, I was having surgery and I was awake for it which freaked me out a bit. Two, I was having a baby and that was very overwhelming. Apparently 9 months did not prepare me enough. :)
Anyway, you see what the OR is like in movies and TV but that does not prepare you for the real thing. It is unbelievable bright and cold.
So naked (but a gown) I hop onto the ICE cold table. Which was then raised very high (the anaesthesiologist was very tall). And these two little nurses tried to hold me and my big bell up on this tall table. I had to bend over to get the spinal. And since I was all stressed out I was having contractions or brackston hicks and leaning over thinking I am going to fall but having to be very still for the spinal tap. It was a nightmare.
Anyway as soon as the ST was done. It was immediate. They laid me down. Stripped me. Cut me. And started working. Somewhere during all that Joe came in. He was wonderful he swooped in and keep telling me how good I was doing, how proud he was of me and how much he loved me.
The c-section was the craziest feeling, the doctors digging around. I felt sick a few times but she was finally OUT! They showed her too us and then Joe and the baby were gone. The baby was perfect! Then I was alone.
I began to panic again. The nurse knew it and gave me something which made me loopy and spacey for the next day! Then the doctors went to work on my cyst. After about 45 minutes, with my uterus and other thing outside of me, I was finally sewn up and off to recovery...
With my ovary intact. Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Adebi were AMAZING! I am so grateful I did not lose my ovary.
However, they had to take a little bit of the ovary and the cyst was attached to my fallopian tube and part of my intestine. Because they did stuff to my intestine I was not able to eat for 48 hours. This is me taking my first bite of real food. I order everyting!
All I was allowed to have was ice chips and I could dab my lips with a sponge. So I could not wait to EAT!!!!
And Now for all the information you have all been waiting for....
Marigold was born at 10:41am. Weight 8lb 9oz and 19 inch long.
She scored a 9 on Apgar test. A full head of dark brown hair and blue eyes. And she was unbelievalbe strong. She could hold her own head up.
I got to feed her in the recovery room. The hospital stay was great despite my loopiness and lose of chuncks of time (HAHAHA)!
Thank you to everyone who came and made time go faster sorry if you came when I was spacy - you sure did get entertained I am sure!
Anyway, Marigold is amazing and we are IN LOVE with her! Here is our very first (tired and not so cute) family photo.
To see more pictures as she grows we have a phot website for her on shutterfly
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